Critique & Edit of your creative or personal writing.
(Writestyle is not a literary agency or a publisher.)

Few experiences surpass the feeling of completing your own creative manuscript. After countless hours of planning characters, settings, plot, and more, you've integrated all components into a story that must be told. You've poured words, blood, sweat, and tears into your dream. You are now an author!

Like 99 percent of authors, you probably would like to sell your work. So, now is the time to ask the following questions:

  • Is it ready to be sold?
  • Will your intended audience understand your purpose for writing and your foreshadowings and clues to the mystery?
  • Will your intended audience identify with your protagonist? Be surprised by the ending? Finish the story with a satisfied feeling?

As the author who knows the story inside and out, you're probably too biased to answer those questions. Instead, you need an objective editor who can evaluate your manuscript, tell you what works and what doesn't, and then recommend appropriate fixes.

If you are not an author of a creative manuscript (such as a novel or poem), you may need assistance to write or improve a letter or another piece of writing.

Do you have a nonfiction (true) story to tell, but you can't write it or don't want to? With backgrounds in journalism and as published authors of nonfiction works, we can serve as your ghostwriter.

Please send (e-mail or USPS) several random sample pages or your entire creative manuscript, or a well-thought-out synopsis and an outline of your nonfiction project, to Writestyle and Request A Quote.

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